
About Us

Musicosophy: Joyfully Serving
Since October 2006

About Musicosophy
About Musicosophy

Our History

The Musicosophy Organization emerged naturally from the Original Musicosophy band, an eclectic group of experienced musicians who came together from various other bands, more as a community of friends than as a particular agenda. Over time and via informal get-togethers, the OM band began to emerge from the search for common ground under-girding so many of our individual styles. You can read more about the Om band in the Musicosopedia, the official band’s website and various media coverages.

The salient discovery being that we uncovered the roots of community organization that benefited all its members, afforded harmonious individual expression, and contributed to immense personal growth, without imposing monopolistic hierarchies of strict leadership upon anyone at the expense of another. We discovered these things via experimental composition, creativity, modal harmony, spontaneous extemporization, harmonic resonance, and rhythmic syncopation. These musical concepts turned out to be ideal principles for group cohesion when applied to organizations. As time permits, we will elaborate upon this in our website’s ‘Philosophy’ section. This then explains the adoption of our moniker ‘Musicosphy’, a portmanteau of ‘Musical Philosophy’.

Let us go forward in this Life, fortified by conviction that those who labor in the service of a great cause
will never fail.

Our Story


The Original Musicosophy band is an Indie band, which means that we have never had the benefit of outside help in marketing, procuring work, recruiting new members, and corresponding with our cherished followers. Being Indie means you have to be strong and learn to do things on your own. This affords many opportunities for personal growth and expansion, as well as earning you plenty of street credentials for Lived Experience. In this respect it resonates with the powerful grassroots Peer Movement, where each experienced member mentors the new apprentices. We form a human chain of strength-based network connections, unafraid to assist or depend upon each other. En route to these practices, everyone we encounter –from the waitress to the manager– becomes assimilated into our Holarchic Indie Collective.

Our Mission

Pioneering New Dimensions.

This term ‘Holarchy’ refers to a new organizational relationship that eschews the old top-down, command-and-control managerial policies typical of the antiquated corporate dinosaurs that used to monopolize people’s life (and even their thoughts). Impatient with foot-dragging and backwards-oriented world-views, we have forged ahead and taken control of our own destiny through informed self-advocacy and mutual support in our quest for Sustainable Superabundance, Infinite Growth and Possibility, and Reciprocal Dignity upon the threshold of Tomorrow’s bright new Future. We are strong believers in non-scarcity based economies, as well as Peaceful Environmental Activism Now!